Welcome to the 360 Systemic Agility feedback of The person.

You have been selected by The person to provide him with your feedback on his agile behaviours. Your feedback is an important part of The person's leadership development process. This tool is intended to gather broad feedback in the Systemic Agility competencies that are important for the on-going success of The person's organisation.

In responding to the assessment, please think about your experiences working with The person during the last twelve months. Your responses will be merged with other's feedback and presented to The person to guide him/her in his on-going development. Feedback and comments will be shared anonymously. Should you want to provide nominative comments, you may indicate your name and surname together with the comments.

Data are collected and gathered to define The person's Agile Leadership from the following viewpoints:

  • How The person creates a sense of purpose
  • Which are the management practices of The person
  • Which are the organisation practice used by The person
  • How The person lets information flowing
  • Which are the behaviours exposed by The person
  • How The person uses methods at work
  • The person's context VUCAness (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)

There is no right nor wrong answer, just select the one that fits with your perceptions and experience working with The person.

You will be asked to position yourself between two statements using a slider.

Find the position that describes at best your perception:

  • Should your experience be fully aligned with a statement, bring the slider near to that statement.
  • Use intermediate graduation if your experience is somehow in between.
  • Should you not be at ease with both of the statements, just leave the slider in the middle.

Answering the questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes. Kindly notice that your answers will be saved at the end of the feedback process, it's, therefore, necessary to answer all the question in a singles session.

Thank you,

Xavier Bronlet
Managing Partner AccelerationLab Ltd.


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