Welcome to the Systemic Agility Assessment of your organisation

Thank you for taking the time for this assessment.

This will take around 15 minutes and answers are only saved when the assessment is completed.

The objective is to gather information on how your organisation operates today; there is no right or wrong answer and you are requested to provide the answer that better fits with your personal experience and perception of the organisation. The proper answer is the one made from your current perspective. It's not an assessment on you but on the organisation.

Kindly notice that all answers provided will remain confidential and will never be released as such. Collected data will be aggregated to define the systemic agility from the following viewpoints:

  • Sense of purpose
  • Management practices
  • Organisation practice
  • Information management
  • Agile methods
  • Agile behaviours

Similarly, your answers will also contribute to determining the effervescence of your working environment (called VUCAness for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous).

To conclude the survey, you will be asked for sociometric data. That data will help to build sociometric profiles based on age, role and number of years within the company.

There is no right nor wrong answer, just select the one that fits with your perceptions of the reality in your organisation. You will be asked to position yourself between two statements using a slider.

Find the position that describes your perception:
- Should your experience be fully aligned with a statement, bring the slider near to that statement.
- Use an intermediate graduation if your experience are somehow in between.
- Should you not be at ease with both of the statements, just leave the slider in the middle.

Your answers will be saved once the assessment is completed.

Thank you,

Xavier Bronlet
Managing Partner AccelerationLabt Ltd.
