Enabling complexity management within the organization

We support you in the organizational changes with our guidance based on the last findings on neurosciences and complexity management starting from where you are and leveraging on your DNA.

According to John Kotter, 70% of the organizational changes fail. With our Appreciative Consulting approach, we help in maximizing the impact of your organizational change projects and be part of 30% of the organizational changes that work.

Our Organisational Development pathway

In our view, OD is twofold: it must address people and organisational structures.

Individuals and organisations are interlinked; the success of any change program has to be seen as the Cartesian product of the individual transformation within an organisation structure.

Our Appreciative Consulting method factors in the latest findings in neuroscience to support individual change and the theories on complexity, the emergence of new organisational forms and system thinking to support organisational modelling.

There are no best nor good practices to be applied when it comes to dealing with complex situations, only Emerging Practices…

Our Appreciative OD Methodology promotes the ”snowball” approach, experimenting changes with a pilot unit and rolling out positive learnings leveraging on the strength of human capital’s strengths and support the organisation to fulfil client needs.

To move towards your target, a number of adjustment loops are performed taking into consideration the current conditions

Because the context is constantly evolving, adaptive loops are executed to approach the target; typical questions during the adaptive loop are:

  • What should we do more?
  • What should we do less?
  • What should we stop?
  • What are the conditions that have changed in our context?

Organizational Development

The organizational development relies on individuals, groups and organization. With this in mind, we will support you in the development and the roll-out of your OD program leveraging on our appreciative consulting approach leveraging on what works and creating small experiments and learn from the field to favour emerging practices. We promote learning organization practice to ensure rapid autonomy.

We are thrilled to hearing from you

Contact us for a chat to share your views, challenges and desires. We are looking forward to supporting you!